📄️ Frequently asked questions
This page tries to help you by anticipating on the questions you might have.
📄️ Installing Ampersand
Ampersand is great for rapid prototyping. We advise you to use Ampersand on the web because it works without installing anything. But sometimes you want to run your prototypes on your own computer\(s\). For different purposes there are different ways of doing that. This chapter shows you how.
📄️ Deploying your prototype
How do you get started if you just want to build and run your first prototype? Read this page, which is full of hyperlinks to background knowledge you will need in the future if you deploy more often.
📄️ Manual installation
Use PURPOSE-statements abundantly
🗃️ Contributor's guide
24 items
📄️ Best practices for Ampersand modellers
Use PURPOSE-statements abundantly
📄️ Configuring your application
Local Settings for the client-side application
📄️ A list of all instructional videos
📄️ How to deploy RAP
This guide will lay down the steps required to deploy RAP to Docker and to Kubernetes.